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Sometimes, numbers do lie! Statistics say, children who are raised in domestically violent homes and/or homes filled with substance abuse and poverty are less likely to succeed and more likely to become products of their environment.  

These are my statistics; but, this isn't my story. I'm a firm believer in dreaming bigger and changing your narrative. I believe every human deserves to live the life they desire and has the ability to rewrite their story. 

I am a first-generation high school, college graduate, and clinical depression conqueror with over 12 years of experience working for conglomerates, including CNN, Warner Media (formerly Turner Broadcasting System Inc.), iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel Communications), and Fox Chicago News. I have a Master's in Media Communications and Training, and my Bachelor's in Radio/TV/Film.

As a certified professional life coach, I am PASSIONATE about SERVING and INSPIRING others. I am a published author, speaker, inspiration enthusiast, and the CEO of Be The Inspired You. Over my career as a project manager, business coordinator, and producer, I've found that success is achieved by intentionality, strategy, and a healthy mindset. I learned that if you're no good personally (privately), you won't be effective professionally (publicly) and the value of affirmations and holistic wellbeing. I am committed to helping others get to where they desire to be in life (personally and professionally). According to 1 Peter 4:10 to I am encouraged to use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve others and to glorify my gift giver. 

As a coach, my approach focuses on mindfulness, strategy, having a healthy growth mindset, and most importantly, YOU. 


My Mission

To serve, inspire, and help individuals confidently identify, own, and live out their God-given purpose.

The Story Behind Be The Inspired You:


2017, I lost four of the closest people in my entire life within eight months. If this wasn't challenging enough, I started a new career and took in two children (due to one of the deaths). Battling grief, the stress of instant single motherhood, life, workplace pressures, and anxiety, my health declined rapidly! It felt as if I lost a fifth life: my own. I found myself in an unfamiliar dark space and clinically depressed. Guess what? I still had to show up to work and in life. So instead of rolling over, I started doing more of what I'm passionate about and love—serving and inspiring others! I changed my perspective and learned to focus on what was going right. I learned that if you could change your mind, you can change your life. ​ This mindset shift began to nurse me back to health. Using my passion, story, and pain as motivation, I created Be The Inspired You as a tool to empower others personally and professionally. 

Latest Project:

Woosah: A Survival Guide For Women Of Color Working In Corporate

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