What does the inspired version of look like?
What does the inspired version of look like?
Speaking & Media Inquiries
Featured in Forbes, HuffPost, WGN, and VoyageATL, Rahkal is known for her uncanny ability to empower, connect and inspire. Her speaking style reaches audiences on a personal and heartfelt level. With a background in reporting and broadcasting, she is no stranger to delivering engaging and thought-provoking messages uniquely crafted for the audience's needs.

I am a workplace peace advocate, certified professional coach, career strategist, college and career readiness expert, and the author of College Bound: A Black Girl's Guide: Everything You Need to Know Before Starting College, Woosah: A Survival Guide for Women of Color Working In Corporate, Dreams Bigger Than Texas: A Story of Faith, Purpose, Perseverance, and Growth Into Womanhood, and Woosah Workplace Peace: 7 Keys to Obtaining a More Fulfilling Work Experience.
If you're looking for an engaging speaker on topics serving your workplace's well-being, career strategies, college readiness, or personal growth, I'd love to connect! My talks and workshops are inspiring, relevant, and positively impacting lives in and out of the workplace. Featured in Forbes, HuffPost, and multiple media outlets, my work resonates with college-ready students and C-suite executives.
Speaker page
Speaker page

Woosah featured on WGN's People to People

TSUCOMMs week 2019

Woosah: A Survival Guide for Women of Color Working in Corporate -The Virtual Release Interview.

Rahkal's coaching style was perfect and tailors to the person whom she's working with. She was relatable, engaged, and knowledgeable, and it was evident that she cared. The homework assignments are what challenged me. It made me put the words to action to actually start seeing a change. It definitely motivated me for my future successes.
I enjoyed how the training was able to be used in my work and personal life. I also liked that the gained knowledge will increase my understanding of myself, as well as the team I work with. I am now aware of my work style, which will be shared with my supervisor. This information will make my transition into this new role easier.
Rahkal's clear thinking, creativity, insights into how to craft a message for maximum impact, and her ability to connect with others authentically really stand out.
Enthusiasm, engagement, transparency, and authenticity are crucial to delivering messages. My passion for serving is the foundation of my sessions. I work with individuals and organizations to cultivate talent and empower teams to identify and own personal skills for professional success.
HYOUman In The Workplace: Leveraging Personal Skills for Professional Success
Career Development & Job Satisfaction
Grace In The Workplace: Creating Harmonious Work Environments
The Transilient You: Mastering Resilience During Times of Transition
College & Career Readiness
Living Significantly & Operating in Excellence
Identity Christ's: Faith, Purpose & Womanhood
Workplace Peace: Keys To Obtaining A More Fulfilling Work Experience
*Virtual options and other topics available upon request*

Amazon (Black Employee Network)
Warner Media (Black Professionals Network)
Emory University (School of Nursing)
Texas Southern University
Food Processing Suppliers Association
The University of West Georgia
Atlanta Public Schools
Clark Atlanta University
Chicago Public Schools
Rahkal Shelton is a multitalented author, certified professional coach, career strategist, and CEO of Black Girl College Prep, a personal and professional development, college, and career-readiness service committed to equipping and building legacy-minded leaders.
She is passionate about empowering millennial, first-gen, and Gen Z women by helping them make smart and strategic career-planning moves. Her approach to leadership is servant-oriented and transformative. Rahkal reaches readers and clients on a heartfelt and personal level.
She writes about faith, women empowerment, college and career readiness, the workplace, and personal development topics.
Her work has garnered features in Forbes, HuffPost, and WGNtv. She has a Master's in Media Communications and Training from Governors State University and a Bachelor's in Radio/TV/Film from Texas Southern University.
Rahkal is the author of College Bound: A Black Girl's Guide: Everything You Need to Know Before Starting College, Woosah: A Survival Guide For Women Of Color Working In Corporate, Woosah Workplace Peace: A Workbook & Journal For Women Of Color: 7 Keys To Obtaining A More Fulfilling Work Experience, Dreams Bigger Than Texas: A Story of Faith, Purpose, Perseverance, and Growth Into Womanhood, and Blackbird: The Story of a SistaMom.
She and her incredible husband are the founders of Our Fatherless Foundation, a nonprofit organization created to help end fatherlessness one family at a time. They live in Atlanta.