Happy Friday, Freebies!
This week I wanted to share a particular scripture that changed everything for me, and it happens to be the scripture that I attributed to my Christian journey. Well, it was a series of events that led to my walk with Christ, but all steaming from this scripture. Before I share it, here's a little backstory.
So, I was, lying on my back on the living floor of my cozy one-bedroom apartment off of interstate 610 in Houston, TX.
It was my senior year of college, and I was nearly three months away from graduation. I lay there sobbing in a frenzy because I had literally just received maybe three jobs, one internship, and a fellowship rejection.
Before checking my mailbox (email wasn't as popular back then), I was optimistic and on top of the world. Shinning with my consecutive 4.0 GPA (the last three semesters), I had interned in Los Angeles the summer before. I was the lead sports reporter, featured in multiple publications, and was Miss Senior Queen of my university.
Heck, I worked hard for everything I had accomplished. There was no doubt that I would be turning down job offers or minimally doing a fellowship with ESPN.
But, nope, I was sobbing loud and hard until all my tear ducts had dried up, producing a massive headache. I was in a panic and had ZERO clue of what I would do next. So, I kept lying there watching the ceiling fan go round and round until I heard this scripture pop in my head, disturbing the dried tear stream on my face.
"Romans 8:18…Romans 8:18."
I sat up and looked around the room. What does that mean? I don't even go to church or read the Bible. Where did that scripture come from?
I tore my apartment from top to bottom, looking for a Bible. I kept repeating, "Romans 8:18, Romans 8:18," aloud so I wouldn't forget the verse. My shoulders slumped in defeat when I couldn't find a Bible after looking everywhere (Google wasn't a thing either back then).
Lying in my tears, I asked,
"God, what do you want with me?" before propping my feet on the couch. And at that moment, I noticed a green book on the floor under the sofa. Could it be…? I immediately lowered my feet, rolled over, and reached an arm under the couch to pull out the book. It was a Bible! And I had no clue where it came from or how it happened to end up under my couch. Fortunately, that little green Bible included the New Testament. I flipped to Romans chapter eight, verse eighteen, and read the scripture repeatedly.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." (New International Version).
After reading it a fifth time, it made some sense. Not only did the verse echo what I had been going through, but it provided comfort that things would get better. Although I did feel that I understood it a bit, I still wasn't convinced and thought maybe it was coincidental. So, I jumped up and called one of my religious aunts for her thoughts and explained that the weirdest thing had just happened to me. After sharing my experience, she replied, "That's not weird; it's The Holy Spirit." "The holy who?" I asked.
And that was the beginning of my curious quest for Christ. Sis, I share that story with you because this applies to you, too, especially if you are a believer.
Here's that verse again in one of my new favorite translations
Romans 8:18
I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.
So no matter what you are going through, there IS hope, and nothing that breaks our heart on this side of eternity compares to what God has for us.
If you're not a believer, it's okay; you can still join the winning team anytime. Jesus has terrific things for you, too, if you choose to have a relationship with Him. He's actually standing at your heart's door, knocking and patiently waiting to be let in.
I pray this blesses you.
Until next time,
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Coach Rahk